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Bidsync is a hackathon submission. The hackathon was held by youtuber @WebDevCody. Whils`t i did not win the hackathon i came fourth and won a 100 USD price.
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Take a look at some of the site screenshots.
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About bidsync
Bidsync is a collaborative highly interactive bidding platform where people should be able to bid on items and have their items bid on.
Built with convex as the backend as a service platform and clerk for authentication the project was a massive success.
Has a private chat room, notification systems,bid item histories, and much much more.
I learned a lot about web sockets, database schemas, and clerk auth. I also won a prize which makes me happy to this day.
So how about you visit the site for yourself? Be sure to open a bunch of tabs, especially from different browsers to get to see the action. Or better yet watch the submission video by clicking the play video button on this page.